Aurora Indica Grow Journal: Week 3

growing cannabis leaf in gloved hand

It’s time for a week 3 update of our Aurora Indica grow. Catch up on our week 2 updates to find out an interesting discovery we made about our seeds.

Day 15

The Aurora Indicas are now on their 3rd week of life and are starting to show signs that they’re ready to be repotted. A few telltale signs that their pots are getting too small include yellowing leaf tips and droopy curling ends — both signs the plants are ready for new bedding.

It was time for a quick trip to Home Depot for some 3g plastic pots. I used three plastic pots and two fabric pots along with a giant bag of Fox Farms Coco Loco Coco Coir Ready-to-Go Soil. In addition to the soil, I started feeding them a quarter dose of the Fox Farms Liquid Nutrients Trio and added two more light fixtures to optimize the coverage for a total of 112w total.

Day 16

I had a few extra yellow LED light bulbs lying around, so I decided to add them into the tank and replace one of my older, lower wattage bulbs. I also added a small fan for airflow and to help make the stems stronger. Now, all of the plants are under 50w of warm yellow LED lighting and 110w of white light for a total of 160w. That combination should be enough to help them grow even quicker.

Day 19

A quick check-in on the Aurora Indicas and the Alaskan Purple. Both are growing like crazy, so I decided not to make any changes to the setup. Now, I’m just consistently watering them at a pH of 6.5.

Day 21

It’s the last day of week 3, and the plants are continuing to grow like crazy! I noticed some yellow spotting on the lower leaves of the plants, which usually indicates a calcium deficiency. I’m going to up add a 3ml dose of Nutrilite CalMag to the quarter dose of the Fox Farms Liquid Fertilizer trio. The lights are still under 160w, and the plants seem to be loving it. They are not stretching for extra light at all.

Follow along week-by-week to stay up to date on this grow!

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