How to Get a Dog Unstoned at Home: Safe and Effective Steps

dog drooling badly - featured image

When your dog gets stoned, it can be a scary situation. It would help if you act quickly and when it happens, you should already know how to get a dog unstoned at home to help your dog get better. It’s important to recognize the signs of marijuana intoxication in dogs. Knowing what to do can make a big difference.

Stay calm and focus on your dog’s needs. You can take several steps at home to help them feel better. Always keep your vet’s contact information handy for emergencies.

Key Takeaways

  • Recognize signs like wobbling or drowsiness.
  • Offer hydration and a calm environment.
  • Contact your vet if symptoms worsen.

Recognizing Signs of Marijuana Intoxication

If your dog has ingested marijuana, it’s important to recognize the signs quickly to help them. The main signs to look for are physical symptoms and changes in behavior.

Physical Symptoms

A dog that is intoxicated by marijuana often shows disorientation and can appear confused or clumsy. You might also notice dilated pupils. They can have trouble walking and might stumble or fall.

Vomiting is another common symptom. If your dog is throwing up, it could be due to marijuana ingestion. Dogs may also show lethargy, acting very tired or sleeping more than usual.

In severe cases, a dog might appear to be in distress, whining, or appearing anxious. It’s also important to watch for changes in appetite or water intake.

Behavioral Changes

Changes in behavior are another key sign. Your dog might act unusually lethargic, not responding to commands or favorite toys. They might also seem more affectionate or oddly detached.

Some dogs might become hyperactive, showing bursts of energy followed by periods of exhaustion. Distress can also manifest through whining or whimpering.

If your dog is normally friendly and social, this might change. They could become more withdrawn or, conversely, more clingy. In severe cases, your dog might even have hallucinations, barking or growling at nothing.

Immediate Response and Home Care

very sick dog

When you realize your dog has ingested a toxic substance like marijuana or shatter; a cannabis concentrate as a classic example, it’s vital to act quickly. Focus on assessing the situation, inducing vomiting if necessary, and using activated charcoal to help neutralize the toxin.

Assessing the Situation

First, determine what your dog has eaten and how much. Check for symptoms such as drooling, vomiting, or unsteady walking. If itโ€™s a small amount, your furry friend might recover with rest and hydration. However, large amounts require prompt action.

Monitor your dog closely. Make sure they are in a comfortable and safe environment away from hazards. Keep a close eye on their breathing and behavior, noting any changes.

Inducing Vomiting Safely

If your dog has consumed a harmful substance recently (within the last hour), you might need to induce vomiting. Hydrogen peroxide (3%) is commonly used for this. Consult your vet for the correct dosage based on your dog’s weight.

Use a syringe or turkey baster to administer the hydrogen peroxide. Never induce vomiting if your dog is unconscious, having a seizure, or has ingested something sharp or caustic. These situations require immediate veterinary care.

Using Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal helps absorb toxins in your dogโ€™s stomach. It is most effective within an hour of ingestion. Mix the charcoal with water according to package instructions, and administer it using a syringe.

Keep your dog hydrated and encourage them to drink water after giving them activated charcoal. This will help flush out the toxin more effectively.

Make sure your dog gets plenty of rest. Create a calm environment to help them recover faster. Continue to monitor their behavior, and contact your vet if symptoms worsen or if you have any concerns.

Follow-up Measures and Prevention Strategies

After your dog has ingested a harmful substance, monitoring their recovery and taking steps to prevent it from happening again are crucial. These actions will help ensure your dog remains healthy and safe.

Recovery Monitoring

Keep a close eye on your dog’s behavior and physical condition. Check for the following signs regularly:

  • Normal eating and drinking habits
  • Regular bathroom routines
  • Return to usual energy levels
  • No signs of distress or discomfort

If any issues persist, contact your veterinarian. They might suggest further follow-up care or specific home remedies to aid recovery. Nutrition and proper exercise are also important. Ensure your dog gets balanced meals and enough activity to support their healing. Mental stimulation, like puzzle toys or gentle play, can also help them recover faster.

Preventive Measures at Home

To prevent accidental ingestion in the future, take these precautions at home:

  1. Store substances securely: Keep all harmful items out of reach.
  2. Educate family members: Make sure everyone knows what items are dangerous for your dog.
  3. Use pet-safe products: Opt for products specifically labeled safe for pets.

Regular visits to the veterinarian can also help. They can provide advice on other preventive measures and keep an eye on your dog’s overall health. Additionally, providing proper mental stimulation and training your dog to avoid harmful items can significantly reduce risks.

Frequently Asked Questions

owner petting his sick dog

When your dog ingests cannabis, you’ll have specific steps to take and signs to watch for. The duration of THC intoxication and actions to take if your dog gets wobbly are also important.

What steps should be taken if my dog ingests cannabis?

Stay calm and contact your veterinarian right away. Make sure your dog is in a safe place where they won’t hurt themselves.

What are the signs that my dog may be experiencing THC toxicity?

Look for wobbliness, drooling, and a slow heart rate. Other signs include urinary incontinence, dilated pupils, and vomiting.

How long does THC intoxication typically last in dogs?

THC effects in dogs can last from a few hours to a couple of days. The duration depends on the amount ingested and your dog’s size.

What to do if my dog gets off-balanced and wobbly from ingesting THC?

Keep your dog calm and comfortable in a quiet room. Contact your veterinarian to discuss next steps.

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